Hello. You have reached the personal blog of Joseph Ryan Ries. You can also find me on the following platforms:

I'm a Senior Escalation Engineer on the Windows Debug Team at Microsoft. I debug the Windows operating system. However, this is not an official Microsoft blog. These are my personal opinions.
Here's a list of things I've done lately you might be interested in:
Ask the Directory Services Team blog @ Microsoft:
- "Administrative limit for this request was exceeded" Error from Active Directory - AskDS blog post, first published Oct. 29th, 2015
- Previewing Server 2016 TP4: Temporary Group Memberships - AskDS blog post, first published Mar. 9th, 2016
- The Version Store Called, and They’re All Out of Buckets - AskDS blog post, first published Jun. 14th, 2016
- Using Debugging Tools to Find Token and Session Leaks - AskDS blog post, first published Apr. 5th, 2017
- Introducing Lingering Object Liquidator v2 - AskDS blog post, first published Oct. 9, 2017.
- Deep Dive: Active Directory ESE Version Store Changes in Server 2019 - AskDS blog post, first published Oct. 2nd, 2018. (I personally committed this change to the Windows codebase myself and I'm proud of that.)
My software:
- L-RACERS - A small video game I wrote from scratch in C, buy it for $1.99 on Steam!
- SkiGratuitously - Another small video game, from scratch, in C. A clone of the old Windows classic SkiFree.
- Lingering Object Liquidator v2 - A graphical tool for removing lingering objects from Active Directory. Documentation here.
- PassFiltEx - An Active Directory password filter that uses a blacklist to reduce bad passwords.
- UniversalPauseButton - A small Windows utility that pauses the unpausable. Handy for video game cutscenes.
- ADReplStatus - A replacement of the defunct ADREPLSTATUS tool. A graphical app for displaying AD replication.
My YouTube Channel:
- Making a video game from scratch in C - ~70 hours of C programming from scratch. Beginner-friendly!
- More to come...
Now on to the blog! [CONTENTS]